Ok, yea, you'll wish you hadn't had that last mound of stuffing, but besides that it's one week away from the busiest shopping day of the year. The time of year stores LOVE because they will be giving thanks to you for giving them all of your money for the sake of Christmas. You know, when you CLAIM to be Christmas shopping for the family when you are really just getting stuff for yourself (selfish ass). For those of you crazy enough to want to go out and shop during that day, I know you will want a leg up on all of the sales going on for Black Friday. Wait a minute, who came UP with that stupid name anyway and why is it BLACK Friday........oh!!
Anyway, how will you get a heads up on the sales when the paper with those sales won't come out until Thanksgiving (sometimes they start advertising the Sunday before)? You are in luck, there are a couple of site that will help you in this time of
They are:
and Fat Wallet.com
Now Blackfriday.info covers just that day. It usually has all of the sales that are going to be had on Black Friday at least a week in advance. Which is why i'm telling you about it now. Usually when a store puts it out, they post it. Well, Except this year for Best Buy, who made them take theirs down this year. I don't know how long they have been doing this, but I found out about them a couple of years ago.
Fat Wallet, I believe, works all year round. They have been around for a while and they pretty much sniff out all of the deals and coupons around the web from places and posts them up on their site. I haven't used it much, but I have heard of it. It might ask you to sign up, but it appears that you don't have to in order to take advantage of what is posted.
And there you go. consume until your hearts content. Oh, I want to give up a bonus site that also works all year. It's called Woot.com. Their thing is: "One day one deal". Every day they have a new or refurbished item, mostly of a tech related nature, on sale. Once the day is over, the deal is over. Sometimes (like right now when i'm writing this), the will have what is called a Woot-off! That is a day or two when they put something up on the site until it sells out and then put up another item. As I said, that goes on for a day of two and sometimes there is some good stuff that comes up. They even have a nice little funny podcast to go along with the item. The write ups on the items are amusing, too.
Anyway, go check that stuff out if you are so inclined. I just want my 10% commission of front. Leave it at the door on your way out. And no plug nickels either, ya cheapskates!
Technorati Tags: sales, blackfriday, woot