So I was making my weekly sojourn to Walmart when I noticed this. Now, anyone going to Walmart at any given time (particularly mornings) will notice to RV's parked at the back of the lot. Cool. While I was rolling through the lot, I noticed this little brown Honda with the driver's side window down and a head partially sticking out of it. Sleep. Mouth open too...or not. Anyway, I slow down to make sure I saw what I was seeing (read: being nosy) and, yep, dude was knocked out. I also noticed as I was passing that there was a passenger, also dead to the world and head leaning partially out of the passenger side window.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been in the high 90's all week. Hell, it hit 100 a couple of days straight, which means that around the time I went there (around 6:30am) it was mid 70's easy. That's not that bad, but I sure as hell hope they wake they asses before it REALLY gets hot. Now we come to the payoff. Instead of me just going on about my business, not giving it a thought, I'm sitting here thinking, "Damn, I wish I had a camera, a phone, or preferably a combination of the two because someone won't believe me". Then I thought, "Hey, I gotta blog this". And after I parked, I thought, "It would seem stupid to blog this" followed by, "I now want a camera phone." Nice to know where my priorities are, right? Anyway, if I had a camera or phone, the picture would right....... here:
But it's not and that's that. Oh well, I am now smack dab in the middle of 'Hell Week' at my job. That's when I have to work 7 nights straight (at 12 hours a night). LOVE IT! not. I really don't enjoy these weeks, but it's the last time I can get an easy day of OT, so I can't complain for doing it. Plus, apparently, I have become my co-worker's unofficial Psychiatrist. Hmm, maybe, I should charge him because it's not in my job description. Come to think of it, this is probably the third or forth time within a week I either sat through someone's issues at work (not even pretending to care) and/or had to babysit someone. I believe it's time to work some things out.
Oh well, Iater on.
If anyone is on Pandora, I want to hear some different stuff. So either post in the comments or email me and we can go from there. If you don't want to do that, point me to a good shared station that is not in the top 20.
4 full and speaking on it
What is PanDora?
ANd isnt it ILLEGAL to work 7 straight days.....and for 12 hours
When you travel into Wal_Mart territory, there's no telling what you'll see. That place is in another dimension.
The L: It's all in the delivery. :) You know what, I may have to send you the email address that I using for Pandora so that you can send it to me there. The station will open up there straight away if I do it that way. I forgot whether my address shows up on my stations or not.
Negropino: Pandora, well, i'll give you a choice, dear lady. You can check to the left of the page above where it says "powered by Pandora", or you can check out this post.
As for the 7 days of work thing, sometimes I wish it were illegal, but I only do that every 2 months. The 12 hours a night is pretty much set in stone for my job.
ILLaTV: You ain't never lied! Funny though, I figure it wouldn't be bad real early in the mornings but I have been wrong sometimes. Speaking of which...
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- Roddykat
- Tech lover with a minor in geekiness, Movie watcher, Student of Human Sexuality, Video game player, Literature respecter. Dabbler of all aforementioned subjects. And it's all fair game. Except video games, that's taken care of here.
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