Walmart rest area sighting #2  

Posted by Roddykat in

Once again, I hit up Walmart early last Thursday morning after I get off of work. Sadly enough, I end up going in there 2 and 3 times a week almost, but that's not the point of this. I've already said last post that I understand why the R V's park there, but what's up with the people in cars? Like I said, I went in Thursday morning to get some stuff for my wife. Quick in and out (No pun implied or expected). There was no car in the space to the left of my car when I went in. When i came back out however,  there was this older model Volvo in the space. When I got into my car, I noticed that there was someone in it. What I didn't notice is that the dude had his eyes closed. I don't know if he was actually sleep, but he was leaned over against the glass like he was. The window was closed, mind you, and it was getting warm. At first, I figured he was waiting for someone and he could have been, but when I started up my car, I figure he would react, but no deal. So I rolled off, but someone help me out. Am I missing something here? I should also point out that both of the cars in both instances had South Carolina plates, not that it should mean anything.  Now I know joker's hang out there on Friday and Saturday night like it's the club (which is why I avoid going on those days) or a Waffle House, but damn. Now, Cat's are just sacking out at Walmart. What's next. I guess Walmart is the place for any and everything to do, huh?

ILLaTV said it best in the comments of the last post, "When you travel into Walmart territory, there's no telling what you'll see. That place is in another dimension". True.

This entry was posted on August 12, 2006 at Saturday, August 12, 2006 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 full and speaking on it

STOP GOING TO WALMART! Life would just be so much better then! I am personally allergic to the place. I am a Target or should I say Tar-jhay girl myself!

August 22, 2006 at 1:50 PM

Yea, i would quit the Chinese Connection except that: 1) it'a closest to the house. 2) somewhat cheaper (and without the needs for a card of some kind), and is open 24-7 (particularly handy when I get off work). If something else comes along that fits all of those criteria, I'm there.

August 22, 2006 at 8:31 PM

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